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... 1. Introduction. 2. The American tradition. 3. The British tradition. 4. Select bibliography. 1. Introduction. Phraseology as a distinct field has never really ... 
Sociálno-ekonomická revue - Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vz?ahov1 It is, of course, possible to combine all of these approaches (e.g., Mackie, 2001, 2003,. 2011). 2 A short note on terminology. The same central ... Automatic Analyzers and Signal Indicators of Toxic and Dangerously ...the field of automatic gas analysis, forms of the performance of instruments, fundamental rules of selection, installation and. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE - Philadelphia UniversityDesignations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book are trade ... ED 072 832 TITLE INSTITUTION PUB DATE AVAILABLE ... - ERICProceedings of the Full Board Meeting (Ustaoset,. Norway, June 1972). International Council of Scientific Unions, Paris. (France). Abstracting ... Politics - in Central Europeabstract: This article analyses the 2009 European parliamentary elections in the. Czech Republic. Its objective is to verify whether the ... May 2016 Issue - Research & Reinforcement(1) An OFO that is applicable to all customers,. (2) An OFO to customers ... GMDQ by April 1 of each year to be effective for the following ... M.P.S.C. No. 3 - Gas Consumers Energy Company Original Sheet ...All past customers who had consumption during the refund distribution period shall be issued a refund check or issued an electronic payment of ... Gas Rate Schedules - State of MichiganAll rates for gas service, unless otherwise provided in the applicable Rate Schedule, shall include a Gas Cost. Recovery Factor to allow the ... THE WESTFIELD LEADER - DigiFind-It Proceedings - World Radio History Radio Digest 3001.pdfDuster rests on the floor and glides easily along on ics runners. All that you lift is the light, well-balanced dusting tool. You are not limited in dusting ... SIXTH YEAR - Retro CDNmarket place. In recent years we've all been guilty of putting out albums on more or less an experimental basis, as though they were singles.