Design and Implementation of a NoSQL-concept for an international ...
A column stores key/value pairs. So the SOCSs can have the same structure as the relational databases, without the need to store null values. 
PostgreSQL 7.3.2 Reference Manualcolumn foreign key to be NULL unless all foreign key columns are NULL. The ... [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL ] select ]. [ ORDER BY ... Course Information Welcome to the blended learning course ...[UNION [ALL] SELECT...] [ORDER BY {[[owner.]{table | view }.]column ... Change the all = NULL constructs to IS NULL to retain the same functionality. If you ... TECHNICAL SESSIONSWe propose a game-theoretic model in which one retailer, acting as a leader by deciding the total shelf space available and selling both national and store ... T 'ARI I m LPJ m e LA]' n IS I ip i - DigitalOceanThe Journal of Ethiopian Law was inaugurated by His Imperial Majesty Haile. Selassie I in the summer of 1964 as an important step in the development of ... JOURNAL UF ETHIOPIAN LAWcommittee plans to hold a of meetings for the purpose ing up all phases of the hous- lem and during the course operations will welcome any tions for its better ... THE WESTFIELD LEADER - DigiFind-ItThe Drake SW2 may be the best value in shortwave radio today. The SW -2 covers all longwave, medium wave (AM) and shortwave frequencies. Pop'Comm PutAilv Spotlight On;, - World Radio HistoryTbe Circulation of the Lawrence Amnh- oen 1* the limit of any paper In the. County, and more than Three Time* that pi any other Weekly t eper pub- ll.aed In ... Overcoats! Ulsters! Ulsterettes! - Memorial Hall LibraryThe TEN-TEC RX-340 communications receiver combines cutting -edge, state -of -the art technology, with excellent ergonomics and esthetics. In TWa S °Waal - World Radio HistoryA One gentleman's estate on Salem street consisting of a 12 room house, all conveniences, barn, garage, large hen houses, TO acres of land with frontage on two ... THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN - Memorial Hall Librarytha ass. Clark?all hyma ringers, say, in feet, it is almost nnivenslly agrrtd that Ae hymns they sang at the Lord's tapper was tha JewiA Halle), consisting of. department of hawaiian home lands - bid offer form for... 1 Given an FN~ spanning tree family, with one spanning tree rooted at each node and property 1, then a multi-broadcast along these trees accomplishes the all-to ... PAGE 1 - Kauai Water SupplyIn fact, in the event of a poor performance of the attribute ?water environmental quality?, the outcome of the model would be equal to zero (null), regardless ...