Measuring sovereign contagion in Europe - EconStor
16Not surprisingly, a proper Likelihood-Ratio test of equality across the dummies reject the null for all the four bonds considered. LR test for the ... 
Unconventional Identification in Vector Autoregressive ModelsSession 1: Micro and macro views on financial stability: different perspectives of the risks affecting financial system. Macroprudential policy frameworks ... Treasury Auctions and Secondary Market Dynamics. An Analysis ...CHAPTER 1. MONETARY POLICY AND FIRM EXPECTATIONS. 36. Table A.1: All questions from the IBS used in the estimations. Label Name. Question. Possible answers. Q1. Combining micro and macro statistical data for financial stability ...Annual and weekly publishing schedules for selected statistics of the Deutsche Bundes- bank can be downloaded from our website. The statistical ... Expectations, Returns and the MacroeconomyWe explore whether central bank intervention improves liquidity in the interbank market during the current subprime crisis with unique trade and quote data ... Monthly Report - August 2012 - Deutsche BundesbankThe test statistics show that the real German Target claims have been explosive: we can reject the null hypothesis. : 1 at the 1% significance level for all lag ... Explosive Target balances of the German Bundesbank - ifo InstitutThe ECB's annual report on financial integration in Europe contributes to the advancement of the European financial integration process by ... Financial integration in Europe, 2016 - European Central BankSELECT * frorn Tablel WHERE 1 = 1. In this statement all rows are retumed ... Select Null as DateNum,Null as Month. ORDER BV. DatePart(mm ... lab manual of - MAIT CSEException Handling. This section starts with the keyword EXCEPTION. This optional section contains exception(s) that handle errors in the ... Database DesignIn all cases in which we need null objects, they are dne nulls: (1) The result qf a,function on un object on which it is undejned. This is a dne null. On the Discovery of Semantically Meaningful SQL Constraints from ...| Afficher les résultats avec : Word order and language change. On the interface between syntax ...HUpK M2106 - Programmation et administration des bases de donnéesSELECT course, result FROM exams WHERE result IS NULL). UNION. VALUES (100 ... ? Select all those heroes having an alias starting with ?Super?. ? Uncorrelated.