Clinical Journal Club
Among the 4783 MRI participants, the recall rate was. 94.9 per 1000 screenings (95% CI, 86.9 to 103.6), and the cancer-detection rate with MRI was 16.5 per 1000. 
Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and TelecommunicationsSection ( ) of the RTE. Act requires Government to reimburse all private unaided schools for reserving per cent of their entry-level seats for children ... reimbursements - under rte - Centre For Civil SocietyI then examine the formal history of all attested Anatolian reduplicated verbs, projecting their preforms as far back as able, and divide them according to. Verbal Reduplication in Anatolian - eScholarshipOver the last thirty years or so, the attempts to identify the electronic origins of materials properties have proceeded along two distinct and apparently ... ?k Newsletter - Psi-kIn almost all cases magnetically ordered uranium compounds have orbital moments - induced by spin-orbit interaction - which are anti-parallel to ... UNIVERSITY OF TRENTOWe present a framework for performance prediction of distributed and mobile systems. We rely on process calculi and their structural operational semantics. EPARATORY COMMISSION OF THE UNITED NATIONSbe drawn up for 'all categories and all levels, giving proper emphasis to academic training and comparable practical training or experience. 49. Most ... Treaty Series Recueil des TraitisNo. 30851. Federal Republic of Germany and Chad: Agreement concerning financial cooperation-Grant of up to 3,500,000 DM (with annex). UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO - COREWe present a framework for performance prediction of distributed and mobile systems. We rely on process calculi and their structural operational semantics. jaeri - m - 84-073 - International Nuclear Information System (INIS)JAERI-M?????? ??????????????????????????? ????????? ??????????????????(?319--11???????. Jury: Gigantic welfare fraud rip-off - DigiFind-ItFAIR HAVEN - Inipectlons by the borough's build-. Jag officer Thomas Carlock, have turned up two allegedly. UMfal sheltered care homes here. mmmsf imf rtion, for any such course would have been a concession to tbe vulgar fa,-- ... 95,6x83.2x95.6x83,6, two tbree-story frame. (brick lined) dweU'gs and two fcwo ... Record and Guide.95). The numbers of high school matriculation for youth in ... School also wants to make training available to all students, not just the select twenty.